iokasti method

The ancient Greeks created gods that personified their natural world. The sea was represented by Poseidon, love and beauty by the goddess Aphrodite and the sky by Zeus. They prayed and made sacrifices to their gods and the tales from their mythology have persevered to the present day. But our practices have evolved and we no longer beg deities for good fortune. So what is the modern recourse for someone seeking an improvement in their health and wellbeing?
What is the iokasti method?
The ancient Greeks created gods that personified their natural world. The sea was represented by Poseidon, love and beauty by the goddess Aphrodite and the sky by Zeus. They prayed and made sacrifices to their gods and the tales from their mythology have persevered to the present day. But our practices have evolved and we no longer beg deities for good fortune. So what is the modern recourse for someone seeking an improvement in their health and wellbeing?
Part Hebe part Hygeia
Iokasti is a goddess in all but name. She is a living embodiment of eternal youth and her studio is a place of worship for those seeking a love and confidence of themselves. Whilst marble temples lay dormant with spoilt offerings and unanswered prayers, Iokasti delivers her blessings to each and everyone who performs her ceremonies – the iokasti method.
“Give me twenty three minutes of your day and I will give you the body of a dancer”
No bloodletting required, but a small commitment of your time is richly rewarded! The iokasti method improves your posture and excess weight is banished from your body without the need to sacrifice the pleasure of eating. Iokasti shows you a way to have satisfying meals that are also healthy and natural. Over time you will reconnect to your self-esteem, sensuality and feminine being.
You won’t run through repetitive routines, her method is more akin to dance than an exercise regime and with this comes both the health benefits and the joy of movement. The symmetry between wellbeing and dance is paralleled with Iokasti and our PRIMA ballet barre: her methodology performed on our dance equipment.
“I’ll be by your side with every step you take”
Iokasti has spent a life of dancing. Her love of body movement led her to train in ballet, contemporary dance and acrobatics. Her passion ran strong and her training translated into professional work as a dance and circus artist in theatres throughout Europe. She has infused this wealth of experience into her self-named method and is now dedicated to helping others stay in shape.