A new chapter begins

It’s done.
What you’re looking at now is the result of many long hours of conceptualizing, programming, writing, translating and an unforgivable number of coffees. It’s been a long journey, but we’ve finally made it without completely dissolving our stomach lining from the excessive caffeine.
It’s done.
What you’re looking at now is the result of many long hours of conceptualizing, programming, writing, translating and an unforgivable number of coffees. It’s been a long journey, but we’ve finally made it without completely dissolving our stomach lining from the excessive caffeine. If you’re a returning visitor or you’re visiting us for the first time,
cue the fanfare
Welcome to the new look Dinamica Ballet website!
fireworks – lots of people dancing – DJ playing “celebrate good times” – an all round general party atmosphere
We’ve aimed to provide you with all the information you need, easily accessible so that you can make an informative decision when buying our products. Now you can…
- View a plethora of new photos that detail our product’s features.
- Access our product’s tech sheets and assembly instructions online.
- Download our entire product catalogue.
- Discover some of our collaborations with clients over the years.
- Keep up to date with the world of dance.
Wait a minute…. what’s that button up at the top that reads “Shop”? The more audacious amongst you are furiously pressing it right now to find out. For the rest of you who are so enthralled in reading this article, I’ll tell you what that button is. Basically, it’s a link to our shop… Dinamica Ballet’s Online Shop! ←Hyperlinked for your convenience.
You can now purchase some of our equipment directly online with a few simple clicks of your mouse, taps on your keyboard or oily swipes across your portable devices. And because we’ve included tax and transport cost in the price, you won’t need a degree from the school of Ryanair dodgy business practices to figure out how much you need to pay.
We still offer personalised price quotations, so if you’re an organization or someone who wants to buy multiple products or customized products, contact us directly.
One last thing… we´d like to know your feedback. If you feel there’s more we can do to improve your experience on our site, please let us know. As Albert Einstein once said:
“Nothing happens until something moves”
so go out there on a click fest and discover our new website!